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Hi! I’m a security engineer with 10+ years of enterprise experience. My main areas are application security tools, as well as endpoint detection and protection systems. I work as a product solution architect at container infrastructure security solution. I started as Windows driver developer at Kaspersky in 2013, where I gained background in OS internals, and implemented several patented technologies in enterprise-level products. Then I transferred to a new product security team, where I implemented a framework for automatic verification of security requirements. I joined an international telecom company at 2020, where I became proficient in Go internals, and implemented a dynamic security testing pipeline tool which combined IAST approach and fuzz test generator, which brought several CVEs in open source products (CVE-2020-28851, CVE-2020-28851). Next big project included endpoint threat research for Linux hosts, and implementation of eBPF-based endpoint detection framework.

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